10:45 AM |
12:00 PM | Gas Buyers' Panel
Click here for details.This panel shares observations on Southeast U.S. market developments and challenges, from the unique perspective of distributors, electric generators, and large end users of natural gas.
1. Were there any recent developments that caused you to look at commodity purchases, storage or firm transportation differently? Discuss how and why.
2. What are your supply/demand concerns over the next 12-18 months?
3. How have LNG exports, exports to Mexico, Powergen demand, residential and industrial demand impacted the current natural gas market?
4. Are the planned pipeline projects sufficient for the long-term projected SE demand?
5. Are there any regulatory concerns that you would like to address?
6. What buying or pricing strategies are you currently employing, for instance what if any long-term purchases are you making or how are you managing hedging activities?
a. How are you managing hedging activities to reduce future volatility?
7. What factors, other than price, influence your decision to choose one supplier over another?
8. What are the important issues/challenges for your LDC/company/industry in both the short-term and the long-term? How will your LDC/company/industry meet these challenges?
Speakers: |
Mr. J.C. Zannis, Director, Gas Supply & Energy Trading, Southern Company Generation