7:00 AM |
8:00 AM | Networking with the Industry: Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:00 AM |
8:15 AM | Welcome & Overview:
8:15 AM |
9:00 AM | Opening Keynote: Energy on the Political Roller Coaster—Where does gas have to fit long-term?
Click here for details.In addressing the climate-change crisis, much Federal and state policy targets a phasing out of natural gas from power generation, direct use, etc. The same policies are directed at oil. But as soon as supply falls short of demand and prices fly up, there’s a political reaction that includes demanding more supply. And the U.S. Energy Administration and International Energy Agency both say a lot of oil and gas will still be consumed 30 years from now. How does this all fit together, and how does gas find the right fit for its long-term role? Is a stable, sustainable long-term energy policy possible when it can only survive one administration at a time? How must gas fit in, what needs to be done, and what happens to different industry sectors along the way. And how does oil fit in?
9:00 AM |
10:00 AM | Panel: Leveraging New Technology Innovations to Expedite Energy Transition
Click here for details.As natural gas markets evolve through energy transition, challenges are encountered that demand improvements in technology solutions to accommodate and streamline transactions. In addition, independent certification and verification of low carbon intensity is being demanded across the value chain. Fortunately, leading technology providers are rising to this challenge with innovative solutions to anticipate the evolution. This panel will introduce several examples of solutions that are available now to optimize efficiency of transactions and coalesce a fragmented market. Examples will be presented from a practical, non-technical, commercially oriented perspective. Technologies underlying these innovations include cloud-based access from anywhere, customizable APIs, EDI, encryption and cybersecurity, simulation software, predictive analytics, blockchain, etc.
10:00 AM |
10:30 AM | Networking Break
10:30 AM |
12:00 PM | Panel: Perspectives On What Matters Most To End User Consumers of Natural Gas
Click here for details.End users of natural gas include Gas Distribution Utilities (Commercial & Residential), Industrial (Petrochem, Process, Heat) and PowerGeneration. Gas Buyers representing these entities often have a different perspective than other stakeholders across the value chain when it comes to market conditions, developments, and issues. Whether regulated or unregulated, Gas Buyers exist at the end of the value chain, essentially faced with reacting to market developments that are generally out of their control. Creative negotiation of commercial purchasing terms are vital to these constituents ensuring flexibility, security of supply, and competitive prices. This panel will shed light on gas buyer perspectives on a number of topical issues.
12:00 PM |
12:15 PM | Board Buses & Depart for Optional Afternoon Networking Activities (LNG Plant Tour & Savannah Historic Trolley Tour)
12:15 PM |
4:45 PM | LNG Plant Tour & Savannah Historic Trolley Tour
4:45 PM |
6:45 PM | Monday Evening Attendee Welcome Reception – Sponsored by NatGasHub.com and Clearwater Enterprises, LLC (Located in the Harbor Ballroom/Lawn)