9:00 AM |
10:30 AM | Panel: Perspectives On What Matters Most To End User Consumers of Natural Gas
Click here for details.End users of natural gas include Gas Distribution Utilities (Commercial & Residential), Industrial (Petrochem, Process, Heat) and PowerGeneration. Gas Buyers representing these entities often have a different perspective than other stakeholders across the value chain when it comes to market conditions, developments, and issues. Whether regulated or unregulated, Gas Buyers exist at the end of the value chain, essentially faced with reacting to market developments that are generally out of their control. Creative negotiation of commercial purchasing terms are vital to these constituents ensuring flexibility, security of supply, and competitive prices. This panel will shed light on gas buyer perspectives on a number of topical issues.
•Utilities – natgas distribution utilities; combined gas/electric utilities (regulated).
•PowerGen – utilities using natgas to generate power (regulated).
•IPPs – independent power producers using natgas to generate power (merchant power, combined cycle, etc. (non-regulated).
•Industrials – manufacturers of products that rely on natgas for process or heat.
•Petrochemical – manufacturers of petrochemical products that rely on natgas for process or heat.
•Merchant Energy – independent operators purchasing natgas to convert into other energy sources (e.g. methanol, etc.).
•We will take the Panel through the following topic categories and ask for perspectives on the various categories and specific questions.
•Buyer’s are expected to have a variety of perspectives based upon each unique situation (e.g. regulated vs. non-regulated; criticality; etc.).
•Panel discussion of each topic/question is encouraged.
•Market Fundamentals (Supply, Demand, Pricing)
•Energy Transition
•Gas Supply Arrangements
•Regulatory / Policy
•Power Generation
Speakers: |
Ms. Sarah Stabley, Managing Director of Gas Supply Optimization & Pipeline Services, Duke Energy/Piedmont Natural Gas
Mr Alex Fried, Senior Energy Purchasing Manager, Procter & Gamble