7:15 AM |
8:15 AM | Networking with the Industry: Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:15 AM |
8:30 AM | Welcome & Overview:
8:30 AM |
9:15 AM | Opening Keynote: Paul Ruppert: President BHE GT&S and Chairman of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America Natural Gas: Reliable, Affordable and Improving the Environment
Click here for details.America’s appetite for electricity is growing rapidly and natural gas is a well-positioned solution to reliably meet this demand. In this Keynote presentation, hear from Paul Ruppert as he shares his insight into the industry alongside the challenges and opportunities facing natural gas growth.
9:15 AM |
10:00 AM | Presentation: A Market Deferred
10:00 AM |
10:30 AM | Networking Break
10:30 AM |
12:00 PM | Panel: Assessing and Addressing Gas and Electric Reliability Risks - Near Term and Longer
Click here for details.Build out of renewable energy power generation and electrification continues in many parts of the country in response to decarbonization and tax policies and subsidies at the state and federal levels. The intermittent nature of renewable energy power generation demands that a consistently reliable and alternative source of power be available when renewables are not. Concurrently, policies that push electrification, as well as new data center demand to support Artificial Intelligence (AI), is translating into a significant forecasted increase in demand for power over the coming decade, with peak day demand stretching existing system capabilities. With gas and electricity markets inextricably tied today, understanding this interdependency and system dynamics is critical to ensuring reliability now and into the future. This is a timely Panel offering valuable perspectives on the topic from experts representing a variety of stakeholder interests and perspectives across industry, markets and government.
Speakers: |
Mr. Steve Bruns, Senior Vice President, Natural Gas Origination, Tenaska Marketing Ventures
12:00 PM |
2:00 PM | Keynote Lunch: Fireside chat with the Rice Brothers.
2:15 PM |
4:00 PM | Panel: There's a new kid in town. Differentiated Gas: an innovation offering a lower-carbon alternative to the energy mix
Click here for details.Natural gas suppliers continue to make great strides in innovating low-carbon energy alternatives. Differentiated gas, including certified gas, are gaining significant market interest with actual transactions being inked between suppliers and various market constituents. A proliferation of independent third-party certifiers of low-carbon product attributes across the natural gas value chain have arrived on the scene. This Panel, comprised of experts representing suppliers, end use markets and independent certification entities, will provide a state of the market assessment of product innovations. In addition, the Panel will share practical examples of transactions currently being employed.
Speakers: |
Mr. Jim Kerr, Chairman, President and CEO, Southern Company Gas
Mr. Chad Zamarin, Executive Vice President, Corporate Strategic Development, Williams
4:00 PM |
6:00 PM | Cocktail Reception hosted by the Forum Sponsors
Click here for details.Please join our hosts, the Corporate Sponsors, at a cocktail reception in your honor. Don’t make your dinner plans too early as hors d’oeuvres and an open bar will be the highlight of this extremely well attended session!