7:30 AM |
8:15 AM | Networking with the Industry: Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:15 AM |
8:30 AM | Welcome & Overview:
8:30 AM |
9:15 AM | Opening Keynote: Natural gas & a low carbon future
Speaker: |
Ms. Dawn Constantin, VP Regulatory Affairs, ​Partnerships & Low Carbon, bp - (Speaking Virtually)
9:15 AM |
10:15 AM | Panel: Virus Alert! - Implementing Cybersecurity Measures For Natural Gas Infrastructure
Click here for details.Discussion of measures underway to prevent malicious intrusion on operation of critical natural gas infrastructure, including systems/software best practices, tactical leveraging of automation, etc. Implications for pipeline shippers will also be discussed. The recent Colonial Pipeline incident emphasizes the importance of this topic.
10:15 AM |
10:45 AM | Networking Break
10:45 AM |
12:00 PM | Panel: Digital technologies that add value to the commercial nat gas value chain - energy pricing services, B2B marketplaces, and ETRM
Click here for details.Participants in today's natural gas markets are under pressure from customers, counterparties, shareholders, regulators and other stakeholders. Savvy market leaders are leveraging state-of-the-art technologies to optimize commercial operations as they transform their businesses. This panel examines several digital cloud-based technologies including energy pricing and information services, B2B marketplaces, and energy trading & risk management (ETRM) systems.