7:30 AM |
8:45 AM | Network with the Industry: Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:45 AM |
9:00 AM | Welcome & Overview
9:00 AM |
10:00 AM | Keynote Address: "Gas-Fired Generation in Ontario: Challenges & Opportunities"
Click here for details.Mr. Butters will discuss the increasingly important role of gas-fired generation in Ontario, and speak to some of the critical issues of concern to gas-fired generators, including natural gas transportation and distribution matters, system operation and electricity markets, as well as other important public policy and political issues affecting the Ontario power sector.
Speaker: |
Mr. David Butters, Executive Director, APPrO - Association of Power Producers of Ontario
10:00 AM |
10:30 AM | Break
10:30 AM |
12:00 PM | Natural Gas & Power Generation
Click here for details.The switching from coal to natural gas in the power generation markets is not only an Ontario provincial story, but an epic tale of major fuel switching throughout North America’s power fleet. The pace of this switch has been historic and this session explores how many additional plants will be switching in the Canadian and U.S. markets, as well as the forecast for new generation exclusively dedicated to natural gas as their primary fuel. Will the pace of switching remain unabated? Can the election in the US prolong the use of coal for that market? At what price does the fuel switching slow or reverse?
This session exclusively delivers the most up to date intelligence on the largest market for natural gas in the industrial sector.
Speakers: |
Mr. George Pessione, Director, Resource Integration - Power System Planning, Ontario Power Authority
12:00 PM |
12:00 PM | Closing Comments