Sponsorship Opportunities

The Gulf Coast Energy Forum is a new event brought to you by the producers of the very successful LDC Gas Forum and US-Mexico Natural Gas Forum series. The U.S. Gulf Coast has emerged as the crossroads for global LNG activity. The U.S. Gulf Coast and the Henry Hub benchmark is no longer simply a supply source – it is now the premium demand pricing point for the continent. As a result, there is worldwide interest in the dynamics of this particular region, across the entire natural gas value chain, supporting LNG.This event responds to the industry’s demand for a purpose-built venue for industry players to learn, obtain insight, network and conduct business across the entire natural gas value chain supporting global LNG activity.
Sponsor Benefits
»Visibility via Speaking Opportunity / Kiosk – Each sponsor will be provided with a speaking slot to discuss a key industry issue or promote a particular project. Or, rather than speaking, sponsors may instead set up a promotional kiosk at the Forum.
»Inclusion in Conference Guide – A Conference Proceedings Book will be handed out to every attendee at the Forum. Your company’s logo, bio, etc. will be included.
»Conference Promotion – Before, during, and after the conference, sponsor generosity will be promoted in all pre-conference publicity, signage at the conference, post-conference correspondence, etc. We anticipate more than 30,000 pieces of promotional materials to ultimately be distributed.
»Logo Item – To give sponsors the exposure and opportunity to get their logo out to our attendees, we will have a table placed in the conference area where we will display any logo give-away items that you wish to send us. These items will be available to all attendees throughout the conference.
»Web Presence – Your company will be listed as a sponsor on our conference web site (www.gulfcoastenergyforum.com), your logo/link will be included in emails sent out about the conference, you’ll be promoted on the Gulf Coast Energy Forum social media platforms, etc.
Promotional Opportunities
»Badge Lanyards – Your company name or logo on the official Gulf Coast Energy lanyard. Each attendee will be wearing the lanyard that you supply to us for the Forum.
Price: $12,500 per Forum ** Includes two attendee passes
»Hotel Key Cards – Put your logo in their HANDS! Your company logo or design will be printed on key cards for the host hotel of the Gulf Coast Energy Forum.
Price: $12,500 per Forum ** Includes cost of Hotel Card Keys and two attendee passes
»Conference Pens & Notepads – Give conference attendees something to write home about. Notepads and pens imprinted with your company’s one–color logo will be placed throughout the conference.
Price: $12,500 per Forum ** Includes cost of notepads & pens, with one attendee pass
»Wi-Fi Sponsorship – The Session Room where all of the great info will be shared will have Wi-Fi Access and YOU get to be the company to select the Wi-Fi Code to use for all attendees…this is an awesome opportunity for everyone to KNOW your NAME … For example – GULFCOASTFORUM… YOU decide and everyone uses that code to access the WiFi!
Price: $12,500 per Forum **Includes two attendee passes & traditional Sponsor Benefits (except for speaking slot or Kiosk).
»Opening Night Reception Sponsorship – Exclusive Sponsorship of Opening Reception to the Forum. Benefits include email blast to entire Gulf Coast Energy Forum database announcing that you are the Reception Sponsor, signage at the bar in the hotel, etc.
Price: $12,500 per Forum + cost of food & beverage **Includes two attendee passes
»Room Drop Sponsorship – Your company will have an item of your choice placed inside each attendee’s room that stays within the official hotel block.
Price: $12,500 + Hotel Drop Fee **Includes two attendee passes
»Elevator Wrap Sponsorship – Place YOUR company logo or design of choice on elevator wraps that will be prominently displayed on the elevators facing the entry way of the Foyer and session rooms. Every time an attendee leaves the Foyer, they will be
reminded of YOUR brand.
Pricing: Varies per location and hotel.
»Column Wrap Sponsorship – Catch the attention of Forum attendees as they make their way into the Foyer to network and connect! Have YOUR company logo or design of choice placed strategically on Columns throughout the Foyer.
Pricing: Varies per location and hotel.
»Floor Sticker Sponsorship – With the design of your choice, your floor stickers will be placed throughout the Foyer and Session room. They may be “stepped” on, but surely WON’T be missed!
Pricing: Varies per location and hotel.
»Water Bottle Sponsorship – Place YOUR company logo or design of choice on a water bottle for attendees to hydrate and carry with them throughout the Forum as well as to carry home with them to continue to use and see your logo at all times!
Pricing: Varies based on location.

Download the Reservation Form Here.
Contact Christy Coleman for more information! ccoleman@accessintel.com or 713-343-1873