Mr. David Rosales Bio

Mr. David Rosales
Midstream and Downstream Partner
Talanza Energy

David Rosales has 15 years of experience on the Mexican Energy sector and is responsible for consultancy on Midstream and Downstream of fuels at TALANZA, providing solutions for business development, regulatory compliance and feasibility analysis for natural gas and liquids projects. He has worked both on the private sector and on several government agencies, such as the Ministry of Energy, and previously at Pemex, Banobras and CRE. As Director General of Natural Gas and Petrochemicals at SENER, he was responsible for the implementation of several Public policies: Market Development, Storage and Five-year Plan for SISTRANAGAS. On the private sector, he was Regulation and Permit Manager for a multibillion dollar company that owns pipelines, power plants, storage terminals and other infrastructure in Mexico. Mr. Rosales holds a Master in Finance from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Universidad Autonóma de Barcelona and Universidad de Alicante; a bachelor’s degree on Acturial Sciences at the Universidad Marista (formerly Centro Universitario México, Higher Education Division) and is currently on the road of becoming a Ph.D. on Strategic Management and Development Policies from Universidad Anahuac México.