7:00 AM |
8:00 AM | Networking with the Industry: Registration & Continental Breakfast
8:00 AM |
8:15 AM | Welcome & Overview
8:15 AM |
9:00 AM | North American Gas: Where do we go from here?
Click here for details.North American gas markets continue to evolve – just in the past year, we have seen LNG exports materialize from the Gulf Coast, a FERC without a quorum of Commissioners and a second record warm winter. Producers continue to improve efficiencies and the outlook is positive for production growth, particularly in the Northeast region. New pipeline developments are currently underway, although the expected timing of new capacity is being closely watched as opposition continues to mount. Demand is growing, largely driven by exports to both Mexico and the rest of the world via LNG – increasing connectivity across the globe and expanding the number of variables that Northeast buyers need to consider in determining their future price outlooks. There are headwinds and tailwinds driving future supply & demand balances, both domestically and globally – all of which could point to more volatility and reinforce the need for a robust risk management strategy.
9:00 AM |
9:45 AM | US Natural Gas: Back on the Hydrocarbon Superhighway
Click here for details.·Big US NG production growth expected, but no longer a given
·Real demand growth has finally started
·Lack of high-turn storage infrastructure - If you redesigned the market today, how would it look?
·Oil production / Oil price
·Challenges along the hydrocarbon superhighway
9:45 AM |
10:15 AM | Networking Break
10:15 AM |
11:45 AM | Project Updates - Part 1
Click here for details.Hear the most recent project updates from the Marcellus, Utica, and beyond and how the industry will be affected. There’s still rapid change on the horizon, so get ready for insights that’ll help set your strategy for the rest of 2017. Updates include:
Speakers: |
Mr. Daniel Diefenbach, Manager of Facility Planning and Product Development, Dominion Energy Transmission, Inc.
11:45 AM |
1:45 PM | Fooled by 'Fossil Free'
2:00 PM |
3:30 PM | Changing Transportation Issues and Gas Price Indexes
Click here for details.Is growing gas-fired powergen market share changing transportation requirements? What are other implications of powergens increasing role in the region? Gas Storage - Is storage necessary anymore? What is the impact of pending changes at the FERC? Regulatory changes and the Trump Effect? FERC 552 data and gas price reporting? So many questions…so many answers will be given and shared during this panel discussion.
Speakers: |
Mr. Patrick Rau, CFA, Director of Strategy & Research, Natural Gas Intelligence
Mr. Jack Lewnard, Vice President Business Development, Chesapeake Utilities Corporation
3:30 PM |
4:00 PM | Networking Break
4:00 PM |
5:30 PM | Project Updates - Part II
Click here for details.The Project Panel Discussion continues, because we know you can’t get enough insight! Hear more about project updates from the Marcellus, Utica, and beyond! Details include:
5:30 PM |
7:30 PM | Cocktail Reception hosted by the Forum Sponsors