2018 Gas Buyer Questions
5. Were there any developments this winter that caused you to look at storage and firm transportation differently? Discuss how and why. What will you do differently to prepare for the winter of 2018/2019 based on low storage injection projections?
6. What buying or pricing strategies are you currently employing, for instance, what if any long-term purchases are you making or how are you managing the hedging activities?
7. Are the planned Permian pipeline projects enough to affect the current basis? What do you foresee as a result of the recent pipeline expansion and/or project delays?
8. What are the important issues/challenges for your LDC/company/industry in both the short-term and the long-term? How will your LDC/company/industry meet these challenges?
9. How are Canadian Imports impacting natural gas in the Northwest / West. How could the proposed LNG Methanol exports in the NW impact the region?
10. How has the recent low-cost commodity environment impacted expectations of and communications with end-users and regulators?
11. What tools and assets would you like to have access to as an end-user to improve your ability to manage your energy portfolio?