2012 Rockies & West Agenda

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Wednesday, October 10

Start Time End Time Information
7:30 AM 8:30 AM
Networking with the Industry: Registration & Continental Breakfast

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8:30 AM 8:45 AM
Welcome & Overview

Ms. Christy Coleman, Vice President, LDC Gas Forums

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8:45 AM 10:15 AM
Supply & Demand Issues - “So Much Gas…Where is the Demand?”
Click here for details.

Mr. Jason Tate, Vice President, West Region, BP Oil Co
Mr. Rick Margolin, Senior Analyst, Genscape, Inc.
Mr. David Greely, Managing Director, Global Investment Research Division, Goldman Sachs

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10:15 AM 10:45 AM

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10:45 AM 12:00 PM
Gas Buyers' Panel
Click here for details.

Mr. Sean Sullivan, Industry editor, S&P Global Market Intelligence
Mrs. Rosalie Roth, DO NOT CALL, Southern California Edison, An Edison International Co.
Mr. Randy S. Friedman, Director, Gas Supply, NW Natural
Mr. Brent R. Mishler, Gas Trader, SoCalGas
Mr. Michael Kowalewski, Acting Director, Electric Fuels, Pacific Gas & Electric Company - PG&E

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