7:00 AM |
8:00 AM | APGA Breakfast - for Members and Prospective Members
Click here for details.APGA Breakfast - for Members and Prospective Members
Location: Southern Art - Hotel Restaurant
7:45 AM |
9:00 AM | Networking with the Industry: Registration & Continental Breakfast
9:00 AM |
9:15 AM | Welcome & Overview
9:15 AM |
10:00 AM | Keynote Address: “America’s Natural Gas: Abundant Supply and Growing Demand”
Click here for details.Hear a very timely overview of America’s abundant supply now and in the future in spite of recent reductions of reserves by EIA, including:
- The promise of growth in America’s demand for natural gas through NGVs and electric generation
- Increasing use in the residential and commercial markets will reduce GHG emissions
- How gas provides the most efficient use of America’s energy resources
10:00 AM |
10:30 PM | Break
10:30 AM |
12:30 PM | Supply & Demand - Over Supply of Natural Gas
Click here for details.The Shale Gas Revolution is both a real "Game Changer" and is now Changing its’ own Game! The oversupply of Natural Gas and the lack of demand of gas has caused the price of gas recently to be at a 10-year low. How is this affecting the Southeast, US and the World and what can we expect in 2012 and beyond? How are NGLs "changing the gas investment game" and what other changes are in store as the industry shifts from “dry” to “wet” gas plays? LNG Exports? Natural Gas Vehicle Fleets? Coal Power Plant Retirements to be replaced by Gas Power? Hear from the experts and stay in touch with what could make or break your business this year!
12:30 PM |
2:00 PM | Keynote Address & Luncheon
Click here for details.How a Ho-Hum Natural Gas Market Triggered an Investment Renaissance… And Other Reasons Why the Natural Gas Market Won’t Be Bearish Forever
- The natural gas futures market spent the first ten years of its existence as a quiet market before supply concerns triggered an investment renaissance, of sorts…and then the rollercoaster started.
- Triggered by supply concerns the market responded to a supply/demand equilibrium shift that translated into volatile prices previously unseen in the market prior to the new century. Price volatility and supply availability were the watchwords necessary to manage risk.
- The shale gas revolution has shifted end-user focus away from worries about supply and lowered the mean price of natural gas away from decade highs and closer to historic low prices. These low prices may have a poignant impact on future drilling, which could have an impact on available supplies.
- Is a return to natural gas price volatility inevitable?
- How do producers view the current market and what might their response look like from an available supply perspective?
- One model we might investigate during this talk is that of manufacturers of the past. The problem that all manufacturers have had over the years…at what price do we achieve equilibrium, which is defined as producers being willing to invest and receive an acceptable return on investment and at what level do end users find acceptable costs?
- We will have high storage at the end of the current injection season…it’s a given. Recent rig count reports have the pursuit of natural gas seemingly weakening. Prices will have to rise enough to encourage producers to drill. Seeking a return to equilibrium may traverse the price volatility path, again…or will current associated gas production be more than enough to meet current and future demand?
2:00 PM |
4:00 PM | Projects in the Southeast
Click here for details.The Southeast is booming with activity! With Eagle Ford, Haynesville, Barnett and other Shale Plays "in play" for the region, there are implications for storage and pipeline construction and realignments to consider. What will happen as storage is nearing full capacity? Where will the key pipelines be developed to maximize gas use in the power industry? How will Gulf Coast chemical and petrochemical projects affect the flow of NGL infrastructure? Hear from the experts about these new and existing projects and developments in the Southeast in 2012.
Moderator: |
Mr. Pete Tumminello, Group President, Commercial Businesses, Southern Company Gas, AGL Resources, Inc
4:00 PM |
4:15 PM | Break
4:15 PM |
5:30 PM | LNG Exports – What are the Possibilities?
Click here for details.It was not too many years ago that we were talking about importing LNG to help us with our Natural Gas supply in the US, as prices were in the double digits and domestic supply appeared constrained. Now in this age of Shale Gas and the oversupply of domestic gas, we are talking about exporting LNG to the world. What will this mean for the US and what will it do to the price of natural gas in the US and the world? What are the opportunities of exporting LNG and what are the challenges? From production to the end user, this potential shift into gas exporting will have many effects that you need to stay ahead of by attending this rapidly developing session.
5:30 PM |
7:30 PM | Corporate Sponsor Reception